Sprint 3 Retrospective

This week marked the end of Sprint 3, and during this sprint I feel like thus far this was easily the most productive sprint. Although we did not spend too much time writing code, we did do a substantial amount of planning. I think that the planning that we’ve done will make producing our component that much easier and because of this I am looking forward the the following sprint that much more.

Although the majority of the following sprint was spent planning among our team and others, I still learned some things from it. Our team spent time trying to understand the way that they currently do authentication and what changes we’d need to make to be able to do it offline. Investigating the auth code forced us to go deep into the code. We started from the ui and followed the code until we found the REST call that is made to the server to authenticate. Having followed the code to this extent, the team and I now have a very clear understanding of how it works. This investigation has also revealed to us that we may need some access to their server code as to understand better exactly how the user authentication data is queried from their end.

Had we known from the beginning that we would’ve needed some access to their server code, we could have asked them from the beginning of the sprint and save some valuable time that was wasted searching for it.

As usual, the team worked very well together we did a great job breaking the tasks down and evenly spreading them out among team members. As for performance, we completed more tasks this sprint than previous sprints but the best thing that I think came from the sprint was the discussions that we had, every member of the group contributed their ideas and it really helped us see different potential solutions to some problems and pick out which one is best going forward. Individually I think I performed well, I contributed some useful ideas and helped the team come to some key design decisions. The previous sprint, time was a slight issue for me so I feel as if I did not do as much as I could’ve, but with the time that I did have I think that I used it very well. Going forward I think that we need to continue doing what we’ve been doing and build on the great sprint that we’ve just had.

The following sprint will involve a bit more documentation as we clearly layout our interface and make sure it coincides with that of the team doing the database component. Another big part of the next sprint will be communicating with AMPATH and asking them for the server code and asking for their thoughts on some of our current data designs, hopefully we can communicate quickly and get our answers so we can begin implementing because we intend to spend the majority of the following sprint  getting a large portion of the implementation complete.